
Making The Right Choice For Personal Trainers

A commitment to the highest quality standards of in-home personal training is what the experts are all about. It's amazing what can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time with the aid of a fitness professional that has your best interests at heart. However, motivation is only one small part of the process of leading a healthy lifestyle. It takes having the right people, habits, and health adjustments to truly incorporate a new fitness program that is consistent. Not many people have the acumen to become the best version of themselves through sheer will. It can take a significant amount of time to build up the strength to keep going.  Busy Bee Fitness Experts have created something special where anyone can benefit from their customized programs for weight management. All ages and sizes have been inclusive of their fitness regimen, so there really are no distractions from reaching your needs. When working together anything can be achieved with the support of a personal...
Save This For A Rainy Day - A tale of protracted withdrawal syndrome.  I was once a very healthy young man but things change. Around this time two years ago, I had never heard of protracted withdrawal syndrome from psychotropic drugs. I had experienced brief periods of withdrawal from SSRI’s many years prior to this but never even considered the possibility that something like this could occur. When I quit taking Lorazepam in late February of 2017 and later started tapering Duloxetine in the summer of 2018, I had no idea what was in store for me.   For those of you who have gone through it or are currently experiencing it, we will probably be in agreement that there are no words to describe this experience, other than it being pure hell! Aside from all the horrific symptoms, there is a great deal of pain, anger, and hurt that goes along with it. When I think about my ordeal over the last couple of years, I can’t help but also reflect on the strange new era we...
Wikipedia of all places has a great read on what the role of a personal trainer is. In recent years, many trainers are taking on dangerous new roles in their training. That's why it's essential to have some boundaries outlined from the beginning. Is fascial stretch therapy part of a personal training program? Should they be discussing health concerns and giving nutritional advice? Check it out for more information.